Thursday, March 24, 2011

A Dream Fulfilled

It has always been my dream to become a teacher. Over the years, I have
developed a passion and love for teaching. For me its not only the noblest
profession but the most fulfilling and satisfying work one can endeavor.

Last February 28, 2011, I had the rare chance to fulfill that dream. I was
invited to talk before a group of university students on the topic
“Corporate Banking.”. Having toiled sleepness nights of preparation for the powerpoint presentation, all my efforts finally paid off as the talk went smooth.

The experience made me feel in love with teaching more. Sharing insights to students is such a wonderful experience I wouldn't trade for the world.

1 comment:

rizabel said...

Perfect! I'm super dooper proud of you Sir She! =)Keep keep keep it up up and up! =)